On March 23, 2023, during the II International Internet conference "Actual problems of formal and informal education in environmental monitoring and protected affairs, Prof. Olena Mitryasova gave a report "Interdisciplinary studies "European green dimensions" in the practice of training environmental students".
It was reported that starting in 2022, the Department will implement the Interdisciplinary Studies Project "European Green Dimensions" under the auspices of the EU Erasmus+Jean Monet Programme. Among the main activities of the Project, an educational course has been launched, which will be built on an interdisciplinary basis and will cover the key elements of the sustainable development strategy and European experience in the field of green policy.
The main questions of the courses are presented: green initiatives; green road map; adaptation to the consequences of climate change; green economy; preservation of biodiversity; energy efficiency, renewable energy; water resources management; atmospheric air protection; environmental control and monitoring systems; industrial and household waste management, green technologies, etc. In addition, the content of the course includes questions about the role of the EU in international environmental movements and the impact of European policies on the regions of the world.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein