On April 3, 2024, the topic "ZERO POLLUTION FOR A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT" was presented to the participants of the Interdisciplinary Studies "European Green Dimensions" held with the support of the European Union Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme.
The topic was presented by the leading researcher of the project, associate professor of the Ecology Department , Viktor Smyrnov. During the presentation, the following issues were covered: classification of pollution; the concept of "zero pollution"; European Green Course (EGC): strategy, goals, priorities; Healthy Planet Action Plan Strategy; European Environment and Health Atlas (2023); Ukraine and the EU Action Plan: "Towards zero air, water and soil pollution".
During the lecture, it was emphasized that the EU has set ambitious goals for zero pollution by 2050 under the general slogan: "A healthy planet - for healthy people!". So, for example, it is planned to reduce the amount of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by 90%, and the share of land that will be allocated for organic farming should be at least 25% of the territory, etc. In general, the EU allocates more than 1 trillion euros for the implementation of the action plan for green transformations.
The full content of the video lecture can be viewed by calling:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein